Love and Money: Are You Financially Compatible? 

Talking about money is often a touchy subject for couples, whether you’ve been together for years or just starting a relationship. But, this topic, hard as it may be to discuss, is a crucial one to the success of your long-term relationship.  Studies have shown that Gen Z and millennials are breaking up over money, […]

From Debt to Financial Freedom

Managing debts is no doubt a stressful endeavor. Debts can get out of control quickly especially if it’s not managed properly. Maybe it started out when you acquired student loans and quickly piled up from there or you were too excited when you got your first credit card and got a little to happy go […]

5 Tricks to Save on your Electricity Bill this Winter

Winter has barely started, yet we’ve already been confronted with glacial wind chills across Canada! And who says glacial times say chilling electricity bills. In this post, we’ll give some tips and insights on how you can save money and lower your electricity bill. Luckily, there are many options at our disposal to reduce our […]