Investor rates & fees.

goPeer is committed to full transparency on rates & fees for investors.

Fees assessed to Investors.

goPeer charges a 1.5% servicing fee, which is deducted from borrower payments on the loans underlying your Notes.

Peer Securities does not charge any separate or additional brokerage account or transactional fees.

Collection costs

When borrowers miss payments and loans become late, goPeer’s collection department makes a reasonable effort to recover the money owed to investors.

goPeer does not charge investors a collection fee, however the amount payable to investors will be reduced by any direct collection costs incurred by goPeer, including legal fees, court filing expenses, or any other collection agency or third-party fees.

goPeer does not charge a collection fee if no payments are collected, and no collection fee will be charged in excess of the amount recovered.

Servicing fee

goPeer charges a 1.5% annual servicing fee, which is applied as a 1/12th of 1.5% (0.125%) monthly fee on the unpaid principal balance of outstanding loans.

This fee is deducted directly from borrower payments. This means you only pay when you earn through goPeer.

No other fees

There are no management, brokerage account, or transaction fees. There are no charges to deposit, transfer or withdraw funds.

Have questions?.

We have a detailed Help Centre to answer some frequently asked questions.